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Apr 4, 2010

Healthy Diet Food Plan

Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight or maintain your current weight, healthy diet food plan are essential. Your healthy diet food plan should consist of eating balanced meals and getting regular exercise. In order for your body to function properly, it must have the right amount of nutrients. The FDA constructed the food pyramid to show us what we need to eat to stay healthy. Even if you want to lose weight, you still have to eat healthy.

All healthy diet food plan should be based on calories and the proper mix of carbohydrates, fat, proteins, and other nutrients that your body needs to run efficiently. A healthy woman burns about 2,000 calories a day doing regular activities. A healthy man burns about 2,500 calories. In order to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you take in. The opposite is true for gaining weight; you must take in more calories than you burn.

A pound of fat contains 3,500 calories. If you want to lose that pound you must burn off 3,500 more calories. If you do that over a weekon your healthy diet food plan, you need to burn an extra 500 calories per day or reduce your food intake by 500 calories. A woman should create a plan around 1,500 calories to lose one pound a week. To gain a pound a week, a healthy man should structure his meal plan around 3,000 calories per day.

Dividing those 1,500 calories into 5-300 calorie meals will keep your body burning calories efficiently and give you the reduced calories needed to lose some weight. When gaining weight, even though you have many more calories to consume, you should still maintain a healthy meal plan so that your body will function properly.

A healthy diet food plan is no good if it isn't followed. The biggest reason why we are unsuccessful in weight loss is because the meal plan is so restrictive that we can't follow it for long periods of time. You need to incorporate some of the foods that you enjoy eating in your meal plan so that the plan becomes part of your everyday life and not like a chain around your neck.

In order for your weight loss journey to be successful, you have to be accountable. The best way to do this is to have your healthy diet food plan in writing. It's easy to keep track of your progress and by writing your healthy diet food plan you can make sure you have portioned your food out according to the calorie and nutrient requirements. Having your plan in writing makes it harder to cheat. You can stay away from last minute junk food meals.

You can keep track of your healthy diet food plan through an online diet planner. The right planner will construct balanced meals for you that contain the correct amount of calories and portion sizes to fit what you want to do.

Get the structure and flexibility on a healthy meal plan that will work for you. Pick the foods you want to eat and construct a healthy meal plan around them. See how Meal Plans 101 can create a perfect plan for you. It can take the hard work out of dieting.

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